Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Transfer week...

Soooooo, this week was a little weird.

Monday, normal. We didnt have any lessons after P-day, but we did try to visit an investigator that has been out of town for a long time, who wasn’t home. But we did find a dog who is probably the same size as me if I laid down. Flipping huge, but super nice and friendly. It’s super funny because there is an old lady that lives where the dog does and she always yells at us to stay away from the dog. She says it’s a killer and actually killed a kid. So I don’t know. Kind of crazy.

Tuesday. We had a lesson with our investigator who is named Pamela. We haven’t been able to teach her for the past two or three weeks, but this week we taught her twice and they were both really good. She really likes the Plan of Salvation. We hope to get her to be baptized soon, but she hasn’t been to church yet and we need her to do that. We ended the night a little early so we could help the Zone Leaders make tacos for zone conference. The members usually make lunch, but for this one, the Zone Leaders wanted to make tacos. So yeah, we did that.

Wednesday, my first Zone Conference. Let me just say, it wasn’t exactly what I was expecting. Honestly, I don’t remember what I was expecting, but I was a little surprised at what Zone Conference is. It’s really good, don’t get me wrong, but it is just different. We talk as a Zone about our goals and investigators and how we can help them. President Perez gives a lot of really good advice and guidance. We also have some time that is set apart for President and Hermana Perez to teach us. It was really good! President Perez taught about how when the set apart Leaders and Disciples of God and Jesus Christ speak by the power of the Holy Ghost and speak with revelation, what they say is the literal word of God. In the scriptures, D&C, there is a set of scriptures in section 68 about how missionaries are specific to this, and how when we speak with the Holy Ghost, we are speaking the Word of God. So that was really cool. Then we had the tacos which were amazing! After that, a lot of people in the Zone needed interviews with President Perez, so while they were doing that, the rest of us waited. While we waited, we sang hymns and talked and had some fun. So that was good. After all of it, we had a lesson with a new investigator, Veronica. She is from Bolivia and is really nice. She has been to church twice, but we have only been able to teach her the first lesson. But it’s been really good!

Thursday. Well, Thursday was tough. We had all sorts of plans to meet with people, but they almost all fell through. People were either not home, or couldn’t meet with us. So we ended up walking a lot that day. But hey, we learn the most from our bad experiences. And from this day, I learned that its a good idea to get the phone numbers of the people we are going to meet with and call them to make sure they can meet with us. 

Friday. I honestly don’t remember anything from Friday. But from what I think happened, we didn’t teach anyone. So that stinks, but I’m learning a lot about how to work hard, especially when it is hard to work. But not only that, we need to work smart, and not just hard. So yeah. Not much from that day

Saturday was kinda crazy from what I remember. We had a lesson in the morning which was really good, but the rest of the day we were walking all across town to meet appointments. So it was a tough day physically, but a pretty rewarding day spiritually.

Sunday. When I woke up and started getting ready for church, Elder Mamani said to me "oh yeah, we have to give the talks today in church." So that was a little stressfull. It is a good thing that I wrote out all the talks that I was supposed to while in the MTC. I ended up speaking on agency and obedience, or Albedrío and Obediencia. I talked about how God doesn’t give us Commandments just to make us do things. He gives Commandments as a way to protect us and guide us on the path of what is right. I also touched on how God wouldn’t give us Commandments if we aren’t able to follow them . We are always capable of following the commandments it’s only dependent on our effort and faith. And lastly, I talked a little bit on how it’s amazing how God gives us Commandments and then blesses us for doing what He asks us to do. He doesn’t have to do that. But he does. and all it takes is faith.

Monday. So yeah yesterday was transfers and thats why today is P-day and not yesterday. It was a crazy day yesterday. One of the zone leaders went home yesterday, so we had to be with his companion the entire day until our new zone leader arrived. We ended up spending the entire day in the terminal, or the bus station or whatever you want to call it. I was expecting to only have to stay for an hour or so, but with bus delays and other difficulties, we ended up staying from 9:30 in the morning, through lunch, until about 5:30. It wasn’t all bad I guess. One of the missionaries had a copy of the Book of Mormon so I read a lot of Alma, which, by the way, is amazing. So yeah. But the new Zone Leader is pretty cool. 

I don’t know why, but this week has been kinda weird. I felt like it went by really fast, until yesterday that felt like a whole week. For emailing each week, we go to a cyber station which is in a gas station, so yeah kind of sketchy. There are other places we can go. This is just really cheap so we come here. It is about 10-12 pesos an hours so like 50 cents in America.

Oh yeah. one last thing.
At the Zone Conference President Perez said to me "Elder, how is April 3rd" and I was really confused and asked him what April 3rd is. He said "New missionaries, Elder. I need you." So yeah. I guess I’m going to train in next transfer. So elder Mamani and I are staying together here in Rafaela. And next transfer, I am training a new missionary!! I am so crazy excited, but also scared out of my mind. So I would really love all the prayers you guys can give for my Spanish to improve because I’m a little freaked out about that!

Love you guys a lot, 

Elder Haley

Our Zone

Elder Grecci is going home this week-the one laying on the floor.  He is a total goofy guy. 

Making tortillas

dinner prep

Elder Gomez, and boy named Junior and me

Fried ice cream.  Elder Grecci again...a goofy guy.

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