Monday, June 18, 2018

Not the most conventional week...

Yeah. This week was a little out of whack, but we still got work done and looked for people to teach. Nevertheless, we didnt have too many lessons this week. We have a lot of people to visit, but literally no one was home. So that was pretty lame, but after fasting yesterday, we have hope for this coming week. 

After pday last week, at the very end of the day, we stopped by our good friends Adrian and Liza. They noticed that my tooth was bothering me, so, being the absolutely amazing people that they are, they looked up two or three dentist offices and Adrian told us that the following day, he would go in, personally, and set an appointment for me. They were absolute blessings for us, especially me, this week. 

In the morning, I was eating breakfast, still not having showered yet, when we got a phone call from Adrian. He told us that a dentist office had time to see me, but that we had to be in the office immediately. So we hurried and got dressed and raced with Adrian to the dentist office. On the way, he told us that he had told the office that he was my Uncle and that i am his "sobrinito" and that he really needed me to get looked at because I was in a lot of pain. So I got in, they looked at me, took an x-ray to look at my molars, and said that they couldnt really find anything wrong. They did detect from a few tests that it was probably my far back molar on my upper right side. But, they didnt want to do anything without knowing exactly what the problem was, so they set up another appointment with a different office to get a full, 360 x-ray of my face. So that was the morning. For the afternoon, we didnt have much happen for us. We stopped by one of our investigators, Patricia, but she wasnt home, but her granddaughter gave us some hugs and a painting for each of us. Luz is the sweetest little girl I have ever met. But at the very end of the day, we talked to Gabe, the kid who was the exchange student in the USA. We bought some burgers with him from a place called the Pájaro and then taught him a lesson in the Church. It was really good and he absolutely felt the Spirit. He ended up committing to Read the Book of Mormon and also pray to know if our message is true. He is a reallly awesome guy and we have a lot of hopes for him. 

First thing in the morning, we got my full, 360, panarama x-ray that was pretty fun. It took less than 10 minutes to go in, do the picture, and leave. So it was pretty good. For the morning, we went to 2 de Abril, but didnt have too much success. For lunch, we had ravioles with HNA Palota and also had a kind of Liver stew. It wasnt too bad actually. Elder Robinson could barely eat it though. For the rest of the day, we didnt have too much happen for us. But, we did receive a text from Adrian that had some pretty big news. He told us that the doctor looked at my pictures and decided that I needed to get a root canal! So that was pretty crazy. The appointment was set for the following day because our Uncle Adrian was really good with the secratary.

We had my Root Canal Thursday morning. Right before, we said a prayer with Adrian and, even though he still says that he doesnt believe in God, we KNOW he feels the Spirit. The operation went just fine and with out any problems. It wasnt as bad as people make root canals out to be. Elder Robinson and Adrian had fun watching me as I got my face drilled into, but I honestly dont have anything bad to say about my first, and hopefully last, root canal in Argentina. Also, that morning, we woke up and we didnt have any hot water. So that we fun too. That night, we had dinner with HNA Soledad and her family for her birthday. She is now 71 years old and still has time to go. We had some really good tuna salad, chicken with noodles, and for dessert, flan. 

For the morning, we had to get haircuts and that ended up taking all morning. We had a little time to talk to people, but nothing really came out of it. For lunch, Elder Robinson and I made some really good mac and cheese. In the afternoon, we didnt have much happen. We have a lot of referrals from the other missionaries that we are trying to visit, but it seems that no one is home when we pass by. That night, we had a noche de hogar that went really good. Gabe was able to come and had a good experience. Afterwards, in the plaza, he did some parkour for us. Sadly, I forgot my camera. 

In the morning, we went to 2 de Abril, but no one would answer us because the Argentina World Cup game was on for the Mundial. The only people we talked to were old people that didnt have TV’s, but it was still really funny and cool to see how everyone watches the games. We knew that Argentina scored a goal because we heard what sounded like canons and a lot of car horns go off. We are not allowed to watch the games but it is fun to see that literally EVERYONE tries to watch it. GO ARGENTINA!
For the afternoon, we visited a few members and recent converts. Emiliano is still doing really good and we hope that he can start school soon. And to end the night, because I guess that hadnt done enough for us already, Adrian and Liza made dinner for us. It was awesome to spend sometime with them and pray and share fun stories and experiences. They are really great people. 

We gave talks in church yesterday and it went really well. I spoke on Love and Charity and Elder Robinson spoke on Service: they worked pretty well together and it was a good meeting overall. We visited HNA Soledad again and taught her about the Sabbath Day because she hasnt been to church in a while. She usually blames it on the cold, but we are trying to help her understand that we should do everything in our power to get to the church on Sundays. And, during the entire day, we were fasting. We fasted to have more success in general and that we can have the courage to talk to people and share the gospel with them. 

I cant wait to share all the great things that happen this week with you all next week. We are trying our hardest to find the Lord´s elect and help them receive more blessings.

Tonight we head to Santa Fe for a huge missionary party to send off President and Hermana Perez. Its going to be awesome to have all the missionaries in one place and see the guys from the MTC.

Pictures: I like food. 

Love you all

Elder Haley

Cheesecake with Adrian and Liza

Homemade Mac & Cheese with Bacon


Sweet treats

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