Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Great week!

OOOOOOOOOOOOH my good golly this week sure was a little nuts, but in the end, IT WAS SOOOOOO FLIPPIN GOOD!!! Oh boy where do I start. Well, we all got pretty sick, but FML Penno is progressing better than ever! Man, I LOVE THEM!! Alright, so, for the week in total, day by day, lets get into it. 

In the morning on Tuesday, we had a choque de Fuerza in our area, but it didn’t go too well. The Hermanas got a few contacts, but the other Elders and Elder Grandon and I struggled pretty bad. Legit, there was absolutely no one in the streets where we were working in. Pretty weird because it wasn’t a holiday or anything, just that no one wanted to talk to us, so they all stayed inside. Then, when we tried going door to door, legit, no one opened their door. NO ONE. It’s probably the first time in all of my mission that that has ever happened. But, it’s okay. After lunch with a member, we had Reunion de Distrito, and that went pretty well. Right now, the other Elders are working with the daughter of a Less Active lady, and she is progressing really well. She has a lot of good friends in the Ward and she already has 3 lessons now, so we are coming pretty close to doing her entrevista bautismal and setting everything up for her baptism! Yeah! The Hermanas are working really hard in their area, but are having a little bit of trouble finding people to progress really well, but we are helping them know how to work better in their area and how to use their time a little better. After that, we had a bit of time to read and study the scripture together. This week, we read together in Mormon 9, a super good chapter that covers just about everything. It was a good meeting. After that, we had to wait in the church a little bit for the Elders from the Offices to come by and drop off some pamphlets and bug spray and other things for us. So that took a little bit of time, and after that, we went to go see a few other people, but not too much to report, other than a super amazing Noche de Hogar with the FML Penno. We went by their house and walked with them to the house of our Ward Mission Leader. When we went to pick them up, Noelia told us that she had already made it to ALMA. Yeah! Flipping ALMA in the Book of Mormon. Dang. She also told us that the Sunday of General Conference, she watched the afternoon session of Conference at home. Gosh dang. But, the family home evening went pretty well. We were able to talk to them about Temples and Eternal Families, and also the Word of Wisdom. It was great. They understood everything, and they already have goals to work with the other groups of the church and do fundraisers so they can attend the Ward Temple Trip in December. In the end, we were sure to ask who already knew that they were going to be baptized. Big surprise, Noelia said she was going to, and also Ari and Fran. But, at the time, Jose still wasn’t too sure. He didn’t tell us that he wasn’t going to be baptized, but he just said he was "undecided." So, we didn’t spend too much time talking about that because we didn’t want him to feel too zeroed in on. But yeah. That’s basically all for that night. The two families got together pretty well. It was a good time all around. 

In the morning, we started divisions with the other Elders, and this time I went with Elder Cortes. In the morning, we went to a lesson with Mari, and it went super good. When we showed up, she had been reading and praying and was feeling really good. In the beginning, we asked her how she felt about Conference, and she said she really loved it. But she also had a few questions. And of course, one of them was why we don’t drink or smoke. So, we taught her the Word of Wisdom, and it was pretty good. Basically, no matter how thoroughly you explain something, Mari will always ask why. But, we were working pretty well to answer all of her questions and to use scripture to back it up. Elder Cortes is a wizard with the Bible. He knows all the good scriptures. Its pretty great. Then, we also talked with her about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and explained to her Faith, Repentance, and Baptism. It was great. She really liked it, although she is a little scared of baptism. Not because of water or anything to do with the baptism itself, but because she knows just how important and meaningful it is, so that is actually really good because she doesn’t take her baptism lightly. But, in the end, we were able to invite her to be baptized, and she accepted the baptismal date that we presented, which was the 27th of October. But, she did say that she had to pray to know if it was what God wanted for her to do. So yeah, pretty dang good lesson. After that, we had lunch with a member family and had some noodles and sauce. It was pretty good, but you’ll see what that stuff did to us. All four of us Elders ate it. But, after lunch and after studies, we went back out to work. Jonathan had texted us that told us that he wasn’t going to be able to meet with us, so we went to see a few other people instead. We went by the FML Varino to see if they could help us have a Noche de Hogar in their house for the following night with FML Penno, and they said we could! We planned a few things with them and then headed out again to work. This time, we went by to see Fabian and we talked to him for quite a while about all sorts of stuff. We honestly didn’t teach him anything, but Elder Cortes got to know him and we tried to talk to him a little about coming to church, but we couldn’t really get him to focus on stuff other than video games. So that was pretty lame, but we invited him to church and he told us he would try. After that, we went by the FML Amarilla to pick us a few Pre'Pizzas that we had bought from them and to just talk with them for a little bit. They are doing well, but HNO Amarilla has to get another surgery done on his wrist to fix a little bit of nerve damage. So that stinks because it’s been a few months now since he has been able to do real work around the house, let alone work at his actual job and provide for his family. But, they don’t let that get them down. Their two missionary sons are still doing really well, and they are always super proud to talk about them and all the success that they are having. It’s amazing to see. They are one of my favorite families. 

Well, this is where that lunch from Wednesday becomes important. The night of Wednesday, I woke up feeling pretty sick, and lets just say... it wasn’t pretty. So, I stayed inside all morning and half of the afternoon. The crazy thing, is that the other Elders got sick too. Elder Delgado and Elder Cortes both got sick during the night, but amazingly, Elder Grandon didn’t. Dang Porteños. But, being sick wasn’t too bad. I mean, obviously it stinks that we weren’t able to leave and work, but I was able to take a few good naps and also catch up on a lot of my journal writing that I had gotten pretty behind on. So that was the bright side. But, in the afternoon, we still had our NDH with the FML Penno and FML Varino. So, even though I wasn’t feeling the best, we were able to leave and take them to the house of FML Varino for the lesson. Luckily, HNO Varino was able to talk a lot and share a lot of his conversion story, because I was not feeling up to talking too much. But yeah, FML Varino was able to share a lot of their conversion story, including that HNO Varino at first wasn’t too excited or ready to be baptized. This was perfect for Jose Penno! It worked out perfectly because Noelia was able to open up a little bit and HNA Varino was there to help her and HNO Varino was there to help Jose with a few of his doubts. Not to mention that Francisco was getting along super well with the Varino boys. But, still, in the end of the lesson, Jose wasn’t too sure about if he wanted to be baptized yet. And, also Ari was having a few doubts too. But, we told them that they had to pray personally to know, and not only think about it. They had to ask God too. So, they told us that they would do it and that the next day, Friday, they would have their answers for us. This was important because we needed to know who was going to be baptized a week before the baptisms so we could do the interviews on Saturday. But yeah, a pretty good night.

Friday morning I woke up feeling pretty good, or at least a lot better than I did the morning before. But, sadly, Elder Grandon was feeling super bad after eating something at the NDH the night before. So, another day stuck in the pench. Not too exciting, but it is what it is. Like the day before, I was to catch up on my journal writing and get through my week or so of missed journal entries. Also, I got a whole lot of studying and reading done. I’ve started to read the Old Testament in my free time. So, I read that all the way through Genesis. Dang, the Bible is pretty awesome. It’s also really nice to review all of the stories, because I obviously remember them, but I had gotten some of the details messed up. I also got a bunch of studying done in the Book of Mormon. I freaking love it!! I’ve started to get really good at marking my scriptures and I love how meaningful every scripture is. I’ve also been following up on the invitation that Hermana Westover gave us in Zone Coference to mark the scripture of every chapter that stood out the most to me. It has been going great and I’ve noticed how much more focused I am on what I’m studying as I seek out the scripture that means the most to me. But that was the day. Staying in the pench and not doing too much. But! Like the FML Penno had told us, they told us who was planning on being baptized. At first, we got a text message from Ari telling us that she was super sad to say it, but that she just wasn’t ready to be baptized yet. But then, a few minutes later, we got a phone call from the entire family, and Noelia asked us what time the interviews would be the following day. We told them that it could be at any time, but it depended on them. They told us that THE ENTIRE FAMILY had decided to be baptized and that they were all ready for the interviews the next day. YEAH!! While we were still on the phone with them, Elder Grandon and I didn’t scream or shout, but you can bet your butts we did as soon as we hung up!! So amazing. I was so happy to hear that they were ready to be baptized, especially because they would be doing it all together! I love them so much. So we called Elder Loveridge, the Zone Leader, and told him that the interviews would be the next day during the Siesta. He told us that he would be able to come and do them. Yay!

In the morning, we had accidentally set up two things. First, was a lesson with Mari. The other was an activity at the church to play Rugby with investigadores and less actives. But, because Elder Grandon and Elder Cortes still weren’t feeling the best, especially not good enough to play some rugby, they went to the lesson and Elder Delgado and I went to the activity. It was pretty fun though! Not too many people came, but it still worked out pretty well. We played with the Ward Mission Leader, Jose and Francisco Penno, and an investigador of the other Elders named Tomas. We played all morning and because it had rained the two days before, we were slipping and sliding a little bit in the mud. But, Jose and Pancho had a lot of fun and we were all laughing and messing around together. After we were all tired of running round, we went into the church and played some Ping Pong. It was great. Oh, and at the same time, the Young Women and their Moms were having an activity of their own. So Ari and Noe were there too and they had fun with the other girls and got to know them too. We had some pizza and juice and it was a grand ole time. Then, during all of this, Elder Loveridge, came and we were able to do all of the Interviews. All four of them were pretty nervous, but they had studied well and knew exactly what we had taught them and they were more than ready for the interviews. And, they all passed! It was great. They all seemed so much happier after the interviews. More relieved and not so scared or nervous. It was great to see. Then, we said bye to all of them, and we headed back to the pench so Elder Delgado could shower and we could go out and visit some people. But, when we got back to the pench, he decided he didn’t feel well and we had to stay in the pench for another afternoon. A little frustrating for me, but I was able to get even more studying done and it worked out in the end. Gosh dang I love the Book of Mormon!! I also wrote a letter to Alma and Ariel back in Rafaela that will hopefully get to them pretty soon because from what Elder Robinson tells me, they aren’t doing the best right now. But, I hope the letters can get to them and help them remember that I love them. But yeah, other than that, not much happened.

It was a really dang good Sunday! In the morning, both the FML Penno and Mari were able to come to church. All of the lessons were amazing. In Elders Quorum, we talk about how everything that we do should be connected to the Atonement of Jesus Christ because it is the most important part of the Gospel, of the Church, and of our Lives. So, we read a few of the quotes from General Conference and talked about why those things were important and how they were connected to the Atonement. In our class of Gospel Principles, we talked about Missionary Work. It was super good too and we were able to discuss how we, as members of the Church, can be missionaries too. Then, in the Fast and Testimony Meeting, they were able to announce the Baptisms of the FML Penno. Also, during the other classes, Ari had a good time with the young women, Noe and Mari both learned a lot in the Relief Society class, and Pancho, of course, had fun with the other Primary kids. It was a good set of Sunday Meetings. We were invited to have lunch with our Ward Mission Leader and I made some Pancakes for them and used the last of my supply of peanut butter. After that, we went out to work and finally we were able to have a lesson with Jonathan after not having a lesson with him all week. It was pretty good this time around. Together, we were able to read in Ether 12 and Jonathan really liked it. He was super interested with the story of the Brother of Jared, so we gave that to him as homework for the next time we go by. Then, afterwards, we just got to know him a little better and we were able to talk about fishing and school and just hang out for a little bit. After that, we went by to see our friend Dante, the guy who comes to English Class, and he is doing pretty well. He has found some work, but has been pretty sick, so he hasn’t been able to read any of the Book of Mormon that we gave him a while back. Also, we went by the FML Maciel and dropped off our clothes to be washed and spent the rest of the night there. It was a pretty good Sunday. Nice and chill.

So there is the week for you guys. Not too much excitement, but a lot of really good news with our investigadores, especially with FML Penno. Thank you all for the love and support you give me all the time, and for reading these super long and repetitive emails. I know they aren’t the most interesting, but if you like them, then I’m glad. Also, thank you all so much for all the prayers in my behalf and for all the other missionaries in the world. You might not think they mean too much, but really, we can feel the faith and trust that you have in us. So yeah, thank you again. 

See you all next week with news and details on the Baptisms of FML Penno. Love you all!

Elder Haley

Some pretty awesome flowers in bloom all over town

Found a dead dog...and thought the Plan of Salvation pamphlet was appropriate

Some awesome missionaries :)

Elder Loveridge and his companion in town to do baptism interviews

 Just a dog in church on Sunday

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