Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The work is moving forward

Here in Hernandarias we are having quite the good time. We are working hard to find new people and continue working with the people that we are teaching right now. We are getting quite a few lessons taught and feeling the Spirit pretty well! It seems like the entire spirit and feeling of the entire town has changed. 

Because I don’t have too much time, I’ll share a quick story that has been pretty cool. This week we had two investigadores in church. We had Pablo and a girl named Juliana. There are both really great. Of course, we've been teaching Pablo for a while now. But with Juliana, we have only been teaching her for a little bit. We first met her contacting and invited her to come to General Conference with us, and she came! And since then, she has come and we have been teaching her about once or twice a week. She is already into 2 Nephi! But, as she continued to read and pray and really ask God if what we have been teaching is true, she was confused because she hadn’t received an answer. She was feeling good while reading and praying and everything, but she wasn’t having a straight up answer. But, this last week we had an activity in the church in which we watched the movie of Joseph Smith, the Prophet of the Restoration. And after that, we asked her if she liked it, and she said that now she really believes that what we are teaching is true! So we are going to meet with her again this week and keep helping her learn more and prepare her for her baptism that we are planning to have in the 18th of May. So we are pretty happy to be working with her.

We are also teaching a few other people and families and trying to help them come to church to really start to come closer to Christ. 

But I would just like to share with you all my testimony. I know that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God and that today we also have a Prophet of God in President Russell M. Nelson. I know that he is guided by the Lord to guide us. I know that as we work hard to listen to his words and guidance, we will be blessed.  I know that these things are true. And I so testify in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 

Thanks for the package! We also went fishing today.  I better stay a “fisher of man” because my fisherman skills are not good. But, we aren’t using fishing poles so I will use that as my reason! Argentina is beautiful!

Sorry for the short letter! Love you all!!

Elder Haley

Zone Conference

Zone Conference with my buddies from the MTC

Look, I can still tie a bow tie!

Treats from home for Easter! Thank you!

Fish bait...rotting fish guts

Fishing on Pday.  We didn't catch anything.

Combines in Argentina

Beautiful sunsets never get old!

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