Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Half and Half

The first two days of the week were kind of lame and tough because we didn’t teach anyone, but the rest of the week was really good. 

We had a bunch of plans to go and meet people, but about all of them fell through. We had one lesson the entire day. That was a short one with Hermano Mario, a recent convert. But I know that if we stay tough through the tough and difficult days, we can find success when the Lord trusts us with those who want to be blessed by the gospel. So I try to say strong, but honestly, missions are a lot harder that everyone makes them out to be in homecoming talks and everything else. But don't worry, I still love it here. 

Otra vez, nada lecciones. But, we did meet with a cool guy that we had contacted a while before. He wasn’t interested in the lessons, but he was a really nice guy. I’ve heard somewhere that it takes about 7 encounters with the missionaries for someone to finally accept the invitation to the lessons. So for every time we are rejected, we just have to think possitively and know that was one less time talking with us before we can teach them. 

This is when the day started to take a nice turn and we started having success. We taught both Ariel and Pamela in the morning, each with a member present. Both of the lessons were really good. I can definetly say that when we teach, I feel happier. Then we taught a guy who we have been trying to meet with for a while. His name is Lucas and he is really super funny and kind of goofy. His laugh is super funny because when he does, he laughs with his whole body. He also says that he can understand English and that the next time we meet together, he wants me to speak only English. Well.... Okay I guess I can do that. But its really wierd to talk about the church in English now. I actually sometimes forget words. Like Gospel and Priesthood. But if he is willing to meet with us and wants to be baptized, speaking English is the least I can do. We taught him the first lesson and asked him if he would prepare to be baptized on the 24th of this month. He said yes which is really good, except he works a lot and its going to be tough to get him to church. Its also cool because we actually came into contact with him because he came to us through a member. He says that he has taken the lessons from missionaries before, but that he wasn’t ready to be baptized back then. But he feels like he wants to be baptized now and came to us for the lessons, so really cool. At the end of the night, we met with 4 chicos who are really cool. We were looking for only one of them, but when we found him, he was with his friends. So we taught all of them. They are really nice and I have a feeling that we can baptize all of them. 

We didn’t have too much to do on Friday, but at the very end of the night, we meet with the chicos from the night before. Their names are Roberto, Alan, and Alexandro. We only could meet with 3 of the 4 because one was gone, but it was still really good. It’s cool and funny because they are at the ages of 17, 16, 15, and 14. I love teaching them because they don’t know anything about who God and Jesus are. I mean they know a little, but for the most part, not too much. So it’s really cool to see, for people like them, that I am on a mission at all. I came on a mission to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with other people, especially those who don’t know who their Savior and Heavenly Father are. They are the people we are looking for. I love teaching people, even if my Spanish isn’t the best and I can’t understand all of what they are saying. 

Saturday morning we didn’t have any lessons but went to Hermana Palota´s home a little early so we could help her make Ñoquis. It’s really good and really Argentine, but takes a bit of work to make the noodles and it goes a lot faster with more people. Also, Hermana Palota is an angel. She does everything she can for the missionaries, including being the one who washed our nasty clothes. But she also showed us her scriptures this week and they are filled with pictures of missionaries and different notes that she has received from the missionaries. I want to be in her scriptures so bad because she is the sweetest, most amazing lady. I will get a picture with her sometime soon so you guys can see her. 

Ayer fue muy bueno. It was fast and testimonly meeting and I shared my testimony on the temple and how much I miss it. I also expressed how special it is that the members have the opportunity to go to the Cordoba temple this Saturday and be in the house of the Lord. Now I testify to all of you as well, that the temple is the most special place in the entire word. I love it with all my heart and would suggest to all of you to attend the temple as often as you can because it really is an enormus blessing in our lives. Also, in church, members here are really willing to feed us. So we have meals almost all of this week and if all the plans go through, in my next email, I will be able to say that this week was a miracle of the relationships between our members and the missionaries and that I am also very fat from the food

So yeah. Not too bad of a week, but I feel like this coming week will be even better becasue we have plans for Ariel´s baptism on Friday and all sorts of people to teach. So until then, keep being the good people you are and please pray for my Spanish, because I really need it!

My feet are much happier now with the insoles you sent.  Thank you. It was so awesome to receive my packages this week. I know it isn't inexpensive to send stuff here, I love it so much and am so thankful.

Con Amor,

Elder Haley

All of the men and priesthood holders in our branch

Helping make the Noquis

This is ñoquis. I know the pictures of the actual food don't look too wonderful, but its actually the best food (other than Asado) that we have eaten

A spider that was fighting with a moth. Spider beats moth, but Elder Haley beats spider. I killed it later because I don't like the idea of accidentally swallowing it in my sleep.

I received my packages, but still no letters. It's funny because I was actually thinking before I got this that I missed Ramen. I'm going to try and find it in other places because its super cheap, easy, and not too terrible.  Oh, and the peanut butter is a little weird from Argentina, but I'm not going to complain. I love it all. Thank you.  There was a lot more in the box too.

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