Monday, March 11, 2019


WELLLLL how are we doing this week?? Im pretty great! We are getting a lot of great stuff done here in Hernandarias and we are having a lot of fun and success. 

First order of business, MY NEW SON! Reminder…in mission we call someone we are training, who is brand new in the mission our “son”…so I am training again!!! His name is Elder Casamona and he is from Lima Peru. He is a super, super, super hard worker and came to the mission ready to get some people baptized. I don’t know what it is that they feed the people in Peru, but it makes them all super crazy good missionaries. He doesn’t let anyone not hear about the gospel. He is super happy to be here and we are working really good together and getting along awesome. Also, he is a convert of about a year, he was baptized in January of last year. When he was baptized I was already in the mission field.  It’s so nuts to think that we are comps now!! Jaja He has learned a lot in mission prep classes and also in the MTC and is super excited to finally put it all into use. So we are super excited for that. We are working really hard and finding lots of people. He loves to talk to literally everyone in the streets and in the park and literally anyone. It’s amazing and he is actually teaching me a thing or two. So far it is a totally different experience training someone who speaks Spanish as their 1st language. 

This week was also super good because we were able to finally get Pablo to commit to a baptismal date. He is super excited for the 30th to come so he can enter in to the baptismal waters and feel the great spirit that comes from the purifying powers of the baptism. We are crazy happy for him and his willingness to follow Christ and take this step of Faith. He came to church on Sunday and it was awesome!

We also found this super great Hermana named Belen. She is super funny and really enjoys what we have to say. We met her one night in the plaza and had a lesson the next morning. It was a great and super spiritual lesson that we were also invite her to baptism. It was even better because she accepted! We are planing to prepare her to be baptized the 6th of April. She is super excited and has been keeping her commitments really well.

We met a family this week who are the parents of one of our investigadores. They are super great and have talked to the missionaries about a year or so before. But since that time have had one of their sons pass away, so we are hoping to help them and teach them a little more about the Gospel and about the Plan of Salvation more than anything. But, after meeting them and talking and getting to know them a little bit, they asked us if we were able to do some kind of prayer or blessing on their home to help them feel better and more calm. They wanted the blessing for a few reasons, but I guess you could say that the most important was because they have a neighbor who likes to do some kind of witchery stuff and throw bloody hair and dead chickens at their house while yelling some kind of gibberish. So yeah. We were happy to do the dedication of their home and help them feel better and we hope to meet with them soon this week to teach them a little bit more. 

We are also working super well with all of the less actives her in Hernandarias. we are planning a few Family Home Evenings with a few of the families so we can help them be a little more excited and feel the Spirit and the desire to come to the church. So let’s just say we have a lot of good stuff going for us right now.  The work of the Lord is amazing!

So yeah. I know the emails are a little shorter these days, but I hope you all can still get something from them. Thank you all for reading and have a great week! 

Spiritual thought: our efforts are magnified by our Heavenly Father when we are doing everything in our power to keep the commandments and serve.  When we are doing everything we can to better ourselves through reading the scriptures and praying, we are promised that we will be blessed.  I know I need those blessings in my life.  I know you do too.

Elder Haley

Pictures from our call today!

Meeting Elder Casamona for the first time!

The new missionaries and their trainers

Elder Casamona came to the mission with a bunch of dollars. It's the first $100 bill I've seen in soooooo long!!

Favorite glasses got broken

Yes, I made this pizza.  From scratch.  College food won't be too bad after cooking on my own for two years!

Our tacos were amazing too!

We get along great!

This is our pench.  We are one of the six. 

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