Tuesday, April 2, 2019

I Almost Kissed My Snake...

Yep. I almost kissed her. Or it. Or whatever. It was a snake.

But anyway, on to the email part. This week as been really great. We were able to get back from Santa Elena alright on Tuesday and spend the rest of the week running around and doing a lot of good work. We were able to visit a lot of people, new contacts and have a lot of good lessons and experiences. 

Today for Pday we had Choripanes ( a kind of sandwich) with our friend Alberto. He is a member and was baptized about 6 months ago or so. He is the one I told you about a few emails ago that is in a wheelchair. He is preparing to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood in the next month or so and we are trying to help him prepare as much as we can. But as we were waiting for the food to get ready, he was a bit tired so he dozed off a little bit. So we took a picture with him. Ha. Well, sometimes I feel so tired that I want to fall asleep right in the middle of a conversation too hahaha. 

But alrighty. So my companion is super great worker and he is always talking to everyone in the streets. It is great because this week we were able to meet a lot of new people that have a lot of potential. And I mean a LOT of potencial. We are in the process of meeting with each of them this week and we are hoping to have good lessons with them and be able to teach them and share the Spirit. 

As for Pablo, he is still really good. He wasn’t the least bit disappointed in not being able to be baptized last week. He understands the need for another interview and is actually really excited for the opportunity to talk to Presidente Westover and learn new things from him and ask a few questions. He tells us that he is just super anxious to be baptized and that he just wants to do it now! He is very excited and has a great desire to follow Christ and finally take the steps into the Baptismal Waters. I can’t wait for his actual baptism. It will be amazing

Also this week we were able to teach a few other people that I won’t mention in detail right now. But I will be sure to write about them next week when we get to teach and talk to them a little bit more. But rest assured, we are working our butts off to help all the people of Hernandarias learn more about the Gospel. 

And, obviously there is a big thing happening this week... It’s General Conference BABY!! I can’t wait. I love the opportunity that we have to listen to the words of the Lord’s chosen leaders of the church, especially from the Prophet himself, Presidente Nelson. It’s going to be a great Conference and I am so excited. Yesterday in Sacrament Meeting I was asked to give a talk (which makes that about 5 that I’ve given now hahaha) and I spoke on Revelation and the blessed opportunity that we have to receive personal revelation for our lives, especially during General Conference. I love the chance that we have to prepare ourselves and really listen to the words that God would have his great leaders speak. I can’t emphasize enough the magnitude of General Conference. I invite all of you to prepare yourselves and go into General Conference with specific questions that you want answered. And I promise you that you will be able to receive the answers that you need. But! You have to be listening. So, with that, I’d like to bear my testimony that I know that Jesus directs this church and that President Russell M. Nelson is a Prophet of the Lord and that he is the literal connection that we have with the heavens. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Thanks for reading! Love you all

Elder Haley

A bit of basketball!  Even in slippers I still had game!

Another amazing sunset!

In Entre Rios on our way home from Santa Elena

The 7 dwarfs...

The snake...kissy kissy

Dead gross insects and rodents...

Alberto taking a siesta while we are waiting for our sandwiches

He is a great guy!

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