Monday, March 26, 2018

Well..not much happened

Yep, not too much happened this last week. But, from what I can think of right off the top of my head, it wasn’t too bad.

For lessons with investigators and other people, we taught a few people. Lucas, the crazy man has been progressing pretty well. He loves the Gospel and knows that it is true. He’s also going through some kind of tough stuff in his life right now, but he is holding really firm to the Gospel and to us to give him the light that he needs. He can’t wait to be baptized, and that makes me very happy to see. He came with us to church yesterday, and I think he liked it pretty well. He is hilarious and loves to make people laugh. Also, he has gotten a hold of my Facebook and is inviting literally everyone to be friends with him. My mom and brother are already friends with him.  He is a cool guy.  He sent my mom some pictures of me and him over the weekend. 

We also taught Pamela this week, but she isn’t progressing too well right now. She has tough stuff in her life also, and I thought that she was doing really well with her commitments. But she hasn’t been praying or reading the Book of Mormon for a while. We are probably going to have to stop meeting with her because it has been about 2 months that we’ve been teaching her, but she hasn’t been keeping any of her commitments. So that sad and stinks, but we have other people who need visiting too.  We will keep checking on her though.

We also are teaching a kid named Alexander, and he is really cool. He has a desire to learn more about the Gospel and God, but some of the commandments are tough for him. But this week, we also had a lesson with three of his brothers and sisters. So hopefully, if they all work together and be accountable to each other, they can really start progressing. That is what we hope, at least. 

So yeah, other than that, not too much happened. We walked a LOT this week. My shoes are looking really rough, but I’m planning to polish them and get them all nice and pretty before I pick up my brand new (greenie) missionary this next week.

Other things of note, on Sunday, when we went to pick up Lucas from his house to go to Church, a dog started to follow us. I was kind of annoyed at first, but then started to love it. I ended up naming him Benny because I would say "¡Vení Benny!" which is like, "Come here" or "Come on you nasty dog" in Spanish. So he followed us from our pench, to Lucas´s home, to church, waited for us outside the church building for 3 hours, then followed us to a lunch appointment afterwards. He followed us for a little after lunch too, but ended up leaving us. It made me a little sad, because we of course weren’t able to keep him, but I know he is out there living life to the fullest.  It is has finally started to get colder here so I can wear my sweats and hoodie.  I am so happy.  See the picture. Happiness.

Also, I’m getting super excited/nervous/scared/ready/not-ready-at-all for this next transfer. I literally can’t wait, but I could also wait another few months for this. I have been studying Spanish a little more desprately, and praying a lot harder. But I’m also glad to say, that the Spanish has been improving. A lot too. I know it’s going to be tough as a trainer, but with prayer and fasting, and a whole lot of faith, I can do this. Im also very, very, very grateful for all the prayers and blessings coming from back home and where ever else the people reading this are from. Prayer and blessing are absolutely real. 

So yeah. This is the last week of transfer, so hopefully we can go out and flipping get some work done!

Bueno. Ahora, mi testimonio.

Yo se que tenemos un Profeta viviendo en el mundo hoy. Tenemos un profeta porque Dios nos ama mucho y quiere que tenemos una guía por nuestras vidas. Estoy muy agradecido por Presidente Russell M. Nelson y por la oportunidad que tenemos para escuchar le y sus consejeros y otros Apóstoles esta semana. Se que cuando vemos Conferencia General, podemos sentir el Espiritu Santo y tenemos experiencias espirituales. No puedo esperar para ver los discursos de los lideres de la Iglesia. En el nobre de Jesucristo, amen.

Con Amor,
Elder Haley

Lucas sent this picture to my Mom on Facebook.

And this one...

Lucas, Elder Mamani and I at church

SO happy it is colder outside.  Hoodie and sweats!

A train I conquered

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