Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Drum roll please....

Oh my good golly, my people. This last week has been super-duper nuts and all over the place. It was the last week of the transfer and we have all sorts of bigs. We got big news, little news, old news, crazy news, breaking news, and all the other kinds of news that you can think of. Soooooooooo, not going to lie, I can’t remember too much of what we did, and I don’t have my planner from last transfer with me to get all the details into what we did. BUT! I’m going to cover all of the big things that we did and fill you guys in on what is going down in my life. 

First of all...... transfers. Drum roll please... I’m staying! Yep, that’s right, I’m staying yet another transfer here in Santo Tome. However, my companion, or now former companion, Elder Gonzales, is leaving. I know right? If you guys follow these emails and updates at all, you will notice that I have now had 3 companions in a row that I have only been with for one transfer. So that’s a bit nuts. And sad, because Elder Gonzales and I were starting to get along really well. I mean, we have always gotten along but he was finally starting to open up and not be so quiet. Oh well, what can you say, only that that’s how life is at times.... BUT! Super big news! My new companion. So, can I get another drum roll......... I’M TRAINING!! It’s a Christmas Miracle!!! After waiting for forever to get my son (what a trainer calls a brand new missionary they are training), I’m finally going to train, and just in time for Christmas. As of right now, I have no idea where my “son” is from, if he speaks Spanish, what he looks like, nothing. I’ve heard rumors that he is going to be Yankee, but I’m going to find out tomorrow. So, if all goes well, we are going to having all sorts of crazy fun in Santoto and we are going to be working super-duper hard and getting a bunch of people taught and converted to the Gospel. So yeah, that’s the biggest news I have. But, like I said, it’s pretty lame that I only got to have 6 weeks with Elder Gonzales, but I feel like we came to be really good friends and that we are going to stay in contact the rest of our lives. He is such a good guy and a really dang good missionary. I only wish that we could have stayed together a little bit longer, but hopefully we can be in the same district again in the future. I can’t wait to tell you all about my new companion next week!

Other than that, we did a few other super cool things. On Sunday, after the siesta, we went to Santa Fe for a huge activity for the church and the 3 stakes that there are here in Santa Fe. We went to the Costanera, which is the beachy area near the big, famous bridge in Santa Fe. The activity was part of the Light the World campaign that is happening now in December. At the activity, the Stake Choir and other people sang hymns and Christmas Carols. While they were doing that, the rest of us, especially the missionaries, were all trying to talk to the other people that were in the area, passing by, or sitting with their friends and families drinking mate. The activity was super cool, but the only problem was that all the people in this area are super against the missionaries and never, ever, ever want to talk to us. So we weren’t able to share too much with them or get to receive too many references for the missionaries in that area, but hey, that’s how it is some times. At least we tried. But, I did get to see a bunch of the other missionaries and catch up with all of them and share a bunch of laughs and good times and memories. It was actually a pretty good afternoon. Of course it was great to see Papa Noel also!

We didn’t have too many lessons this week. On Wednesday, we went on divisions with the other Elders and I went with Elder Cortes. It was a really good time and we had lots of fun walking around in his area, teaching one lesson to a really cool guy, and talking to as many people as we could. It was nice to get out of my area for a little bit. Elder Cortes is a super great guy and I hope we get to see each other more in the mission, because he is now leaving the District too. He is going to train also, but in a different area. Elder Sandler is coming in to replace him. This next transfer is going to be so much fun! While I was in Rafaela, Elder Sandler was one of the Zone Leaders for one transfer. He is super funny, super nuts, and a great missionary. He and Elder Carter are going to get a lot of good done. Also, now that I’m on the subject, Hermana Rosas is leaving and Hermana Galbraith is staying. She is also going to train, so we are going to have two new missionaries in the district.

Oh, and that reminds me too! On Saturday, the Hermanas had three baptisms! They were the baptisms of a kid of 13 years named Bryan and a couple named Luis and Melani. I was able to do their interviews for the baptisms, so it was great to see them set into the waters of baptism and the smiles on their faces as they felt the Spirit so strongly. I was happy to be able to attend their Baptismal Service and feel of the Spirit. I love baptisms!!!

Oh, and because I have to pick up my new missionary tomorrow and don’t have a companion right now, I am currently in a different area and in a trio with two other missionaries that are going to be training and picking up their new comps this transfer too. So we are having a bunch of fun together running around all of Santa Fe and soaking up the last bit of freedom before we have to pick up our “sons”... (winky face) But yeah, it’s pretty sick. 

That’s basically all that I’ve been doing this last week. Not too much crazy cool stuff, but I am having a bunch of fun and I’m super excited for this next transfer. I know it’s going to be a really great learning process and I can’t wait to get started. 

Another super cool thing that happen is that the FML Penno went to the Temple!!!!! YEAH BABY!! They went to the Buenos Aires Temple on Saturday and had a great time. Jose, Noe, and Ari had a great experience in the Temple doing baptisms for the dead. (see the link on the sidebar for description) Noe was able to do a few of the ordinances for her family members, including her mother who passed away a few years ago, and Jose was able to do the same, but for his father. They came back, having felt the Spirit very strongly and in great abundance in the Temple and are really looking forward to going back. Especially in a year from now, when they hope and plan to be sealed together as an Eternal Family for the rest of forever. I am so grateful for their love for the Gospel and testimonies that they have obtained and developed. I took a picture on top of their car while they were at the temple.  It was pretty awesome.

Thank you all for the love and support and the prayers that you offer for this lame, old missionary. It really means a lot and I can truly testify that the power of your prayers really does make a difference. 

I want to just leave you all with my testimony that I know that this church is true, that I have seen the difference in my life since I have been in the mission, and that I know, without a doubt, that I am exactly where I need to be at this time in my life. I am so thankful for the experiences that I have had the privilege of having and that I still have a long time in the mission to get some work done and save some souls. 

My Christmas package is here in the mission office too!  So excited! Thank you!!! Also, it is 100 degrees today with A LOT of humidity.  Enjoy your winter temps back home!

Love you all! Don’t forget to Light the World!

Elder Haley

Just a house we were walking by with a message about Jesus on it

The scorpion that came out of the faucet

Hanging out with the scorpion playing chess while waiting for the baptism

Penno's Car

Dead scorpion

The cake for the baptisms

Last picture with my District before new missionaries arrive

Elder Gonzales and I with Papa Noel

The Beach area


Saying goodbye, for now, to Elder Gonzales

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