Tuesday, December 18, 2018

short email....sorry

Ohhhhhh baby, this week has been super fun and super cool. We didn’t really have too many lessons, but a few really super cool things have been going down and I’m about to tell you guys all about that. So this email is actually going to be kind of short because, we didn’t really have too much happen for us this week. But, I’ll fill you guys in on all the important stuff. 

So first of all, I finally got to pick up my Son!! It was super great. After spending a day or two with Elder Seelos and Elder Cua, we went to the Mission Offices on Wednesday to pick up our newbies. The meeting was pretty good. As the new trainers, we were able to spend a little bit of time with Presidente to have a short training with him to talk about the expectations that he has of us, as trainers, and the great responsibility that we hold. So that was super good to see just how much Presidente loves and trusts us to be the first impression of the Mission Life for the new missionaries. Then, we were able to participate in the meeting when we finally got to meet our newbies. I, of course, had to wait until the very end and be the last to meet my new comp, but it was completely worth the wait! My new companion and newbie, my son, mi hijo, is Elder Moore! From California. He is a complete stud and we hit it off from the start. He and the rest of his group of new missionaries, were in the Mexico MTC, so his Spanish is a LOT better than mine was when I got to the mission. He loves sports, is super funny, and came to the mission ready to work hard and teach a lot of people. So after the meeting and lunch, we went back to Santo Tome and dropped off his bags and suitcases and things and he got all unpacked. Then, in the little time we had before our meeting with the Ward Mission Leader, we talked to a few people in the streets and knocked a few houses. Right now, and for the next few weeks, we are going to be using literally all of our free time in between lessons and plans to be contacting a whole lot to give Elder Moore every opportunity to talk to other people and learn by experience. It was a great first day. We are going to have a lot of fun together and get a bunch of work done. 

In the rest of the time that we had this week, like I said before, we have been contacting a lot and talking to just about everyone we come across in the streets. We didn’t have too many lessons this week because every time we would pass by for our investigadores, they weren’t home, and we couldn’t get in contact with them through the phone either. So we had lots of time to get to know new people and set up a few citas for the coming days. 

On Saturday, we had an activity in the church for the afternoon to celebrate Christmas a little bit and have a big party for the Ward as a "Good Bye 2018". As part of the activity, we were going to have a small Nativity Scene done by the Primary Kids and some of the Youth. But, because the activity started super late, Elder Moore and I weren’t able to watch any of it because we had a cita just as the activity was starting. So, sadly we didn’t get to see any of that, but the other missionaries were able to get a few pictures. Also, at the activity, Luis, the husband of Maria Elena, came with her to participate. It was super great for him to be there because he actually was super against anything that had to do with the church for a long time. But, he is finally starting to open up a little more and be more willing to listen to what we have to say. Hopefully we can find him at home one of these days and finally sit down to teach him and let him know that we aren’t as completely crazy as he thinks we are. 

Other than that, this week has been super fun and interesting to watch Elder Moore and remember what it was like for me to come to the mission and have close to no idea what I was doing. It makes me realize just how much I have learned in the mission and how different I’ve become. And I’m not only talking about being a little fatter now that when I was when I got here. Just how much I have learned about the Gospel and how to love and care for other people, even if you barely know them. I love the mission so much and would never give anything up for the time that I have had here. I know I say it a lot, but I’m so grateful that I still have so much time left to find people that need the truth and help bless their lives through the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that what I am doing right now is exactly what God wants me to be doing and that, even if it hard and tiring at times, the mission has come to be one of the greatest blessings and gifts in my life. 

It also blows my mind that we are so close to Christmas and how it is super crazy hot and humid here  Even after all of my prayers for a white Christmas, and not only for more Baptisms. But, even though its not a typical Christmas season, it doesn’t change the fact the this time is one, if not THE best time to share the Gospel with other people. So be sure to get out there and serve a few people and be the kind of person that Jesus would have us be. 

Thanks for the time and for reading. Love you all! 

Feliz Navidad!

Elder Haley

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