Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Lots of traveling...

Well, well, well it's been yet another week. It's been a pretty good one, but I will admit that I am really flipping tired after traveling in buses almost all week. Early in the week we had to go to Santa Fe for some paperwork for my companion. It was a great trip to be around other missionaries and friends and have some good laughs and experiences. The highlight of the trip was getting to see my amazing and "Golden" family, Familia Penno and get to chat and catch up after so long. They are doing great back in Santo Tome and having great experiences and helping the Ward a lot! Noelia has been released as the Sunday School teacher and now is the President of Young Womens. Jose gave his first talk this week. Ari is going to Seminary, and although she doesn't like waking up early (who does?) she is having a good time and learning a lot. And Fran is just as fun and crazy. 

Then, later in the week we had the Zone Leaders in Hernandarias for a day for Pablo's Baptismal Interview. It was good to see them and have a few more people in the small area, even if the beds barely fit in the small apartment haha. But the interview went alright. For a few things Pablo has to have another interview with Presidente Westover this coming week, which will push back Pablo's baptism. It's a bit of a difficult process, but we are going to be working our hardest to help Pablo stay excited and prepare the best he can for his big day. He is a great guy and is having a lot of fun coming to know Jesus more personally. I couldn't be any prouder of him. 

Then, at the end of the week we traveled to Santa Elena and then yesterday we had our Zone Conference in La Paz. It was great to see all the missionaries in the two Zones and have a great conference to learn a lot and have lots of fun. Presidente and Hermana Westover are the best and we love them so much. They help us so much and teach us even more. 

Also this week we started teaching a few new people. First is the Familia Vegada. They are super great and amazing. They have met missionaries before and were really close to them, so they are already super comfortable with the missionaries. But with the old missionaries, they were more friends than investigadores. So now we are trying our hardest to help them be more serious about reading and praying because they are a great family and would help the group in Hernandarias grow a lot. We did service with them this week and chopped a huge tree down. Sadly I forgot my camera, but I'm hoping to have Hermana Olga send me the pics she took with her phone. 
We are also teaching a new lady named Cicilia. She is super great and has a lot of interest. She already reads the Book of Mormon when we ask her to and has accepted the Baptismal Invitation! The only problem is that we are trying to help her Father support her in the lessons because they live together, so we are teaching him too. But he is a really energetic Evangelist guy and doesn't let us say more than a few sentences before he goes off on a rant about his beliefs. Luckily, all that he says we believe too, so its really just a problem of having to listen to his rants for more than half of the lesson. But, they are really great and have lots of potencial. It's all going really well in Hernandarias.

This week has helped us get even more animated and excited about the work so this week we are planning to go out and just wreck everything and get some people in the church building on Sunday. 

Thanks to all for reading and hope you all have a good week!!

Elder Haley

Penno's in Santa Fe.  Seriously, made me so happy to see them!

a kid tattoo from a little kid on the street

having he zone leaders over with 4 beds in a super small apartment

Where I am on the globe.

On the way to Zone Conference

Zone Conference in La Paz


Missionaries and food!

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