Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Good work happening

Entry Number (I have no idea), A LOT!

HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOla people. It’s me again. I know I know, you all love and miss me so much and it seems like it’s been soooo long since we’ve seen each other, but listen! I’m trying to work my butt off because I am officially 3 months away from ending my mission. And yes, I know that it trunky to say something like that, but I can’t help it. It is what the calendar tells me. Everyone keeps reminding me of it. And its doesn’t help that Elder Urmston is going home this week too. But! This week we worked pretty well, despite the rain and the cold weather. I don’t think I need to remind you, but I will anyways, that Argentines hate the rain and they hate the cold. So when it does one of the two, they don’t do anything. Can you imagine when its both cold AND rainy??? But this week wasn’t too bad. A bit slow in the finding people part and we did quite a bit of walking, but it has been a good week anyway. 

We started teaching two new people this week. One is named Cristian. We found him one afternoon walking in the streets and knocking doors. We were in a neighborhood that has a lot of small houses really close together and we had passed by there plenty of times. But, this time I felt personally that there was someone that we had to find. At every door that we knocked or clapped, no one answered. But it was okay, because I just kept saying to myself "Where is he...?" And then we clapped at one house and a big, middle aged man came out and we started talking. We talked outside his house for just about 30 minutes. Or should I say, Cristian talked and we listened. Argentines have a knack for talking your ear off. But we would talk and then say probably 2 or 3 things that would send him off talking again. But, I like to listen, so we just stood there and got to know him a bit more. Cristian is a very, very religious man. He has attended multiple Evangelist churches in the past and is currently attending one also. He has many stories or "testimonies" of the Evangelist churches and believes very strongly in the power of the Holy Ghost and Prophecies and things like that. But, as we listened to him, he asked to look at one of the Book of Mormons that we were carrying and looked through it a bit curiously and kept talking at the same time. But, after chatting outside for about a half hour, we asked him if he would like us to explain to him a little more of what the Book of Mormon is and why we believe in it. So he invited us in. We sat down and gave him a quick rundown of the story of the Book of Mormon and a bit of Joseph Smiths role in bringing it to light. Then, he had a few questions about different things like "How could the people of the Book of Mormon be white when there weren’t any white people when Christifor Columbus came to the Americas?" and "Why do we need more scripture if we already have the Bible?" It was fun to answer the questions and have him sit there satisfied with the answers and curious to read to learn more. Then, last night we when by his house to see how he was and to try and teach him the Restoration, but he was having his sons birthday party. But he was still nice enough to give us pieces of cake!

Then, our other new person that we are teaching is named Daniel. He is Juan’s younger brother who came to church last week. We started teaching him this week and he is loving it so far. We started by teaching him about the Restoration and gave him a Book of Mormon. And then, last night we taught him again about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and he liked that a lot too! And, when we asked him if he had been able to read a bit of the Book of Mormon, he proudly said he did and then preceded to repeat the first words of 1 Nephi. He had already memorized half of the first verse! I can barely do that! Hahaha. But his is really good kid and last night we invited him to be baptized and he accepted!! So we are planning to baptize him on the 1st of September!! And, Juan is helping a lot in the lessons too. He helps explain a few things to Daniel and also helps the other younger siblings stay inside the house because they are just really, really obnoxious and crazy. 

Also, this week we visited a few less active members and ended up getting some free stuff!! At the house of the Hermana Lute she has a lot of paintings that she has done and they are all really great. So as we talked about her paintings and got to know her a bit more, she offered to give us some as gifts! And at another house the wife, Hermana Caraballo, likes to paint also. And the husband, Hermano Caraballo, likes to do all sorts of wood work. They had done a small Mate set out of wood and the Hermana painted it. The entire thing can fit in the palm of your hand. So they are going to give us one each too! Were lucky!!

Yesterday was also the elections here in Argentina. The way that the election system works here is really complicated so they don’t have the final elections until October, but they had me thinking this week about our Agency. It reminds me a lot of the scripture in 2 Nephi 2 verse 27 that goes: 

27 Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all man, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself.

So, as you can see, we are free to choose. Now, I’m not saying that the scripture is referring to the Presidenticial Elections of Argentina, but I am talking about the moral decisions that we make each and everyday. We have been given the opportunity to choose on whose side we are on. Either one is available. Jesus or Satan. Take your pick. But, like the scripture says, it’s between Life, Eternal Life actually, and Death. But I just want to testify to you all that it is completely possible to gain the Exaltation and live with our Heavenly Father again. He is waiting for us with open arms and a smiling face. We only have to accept his invitation and make the preparations. Like it says in 1 Nephi 3 "the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them." There is a way, and it is through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that these things are true, and I bear my testimony of the truthfulness of the Gospel in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Love you all and until next week!! This week is going to be transfers so well see if I end up leaving or not!

Elder Haley

Bowling with Elder Smith

Just a plant for Mate.

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