Friday, August 9, 2019

Miracles in Hernandarias

My Dear People. I say unto you... "Good day" and with that I start my email today, because it is a good day, because its Pday. But oh, oh how sweet it is to share this email with you all today. 

Let's see here.... what happened this week??

Well first and foremost, I received news this week that Juli, the girl that we were teaching in Hernandarias that wanted to be baptized, but never could because her mom wouldn't give her permission, is going to be baptized this week!!! So miracles do exist!! So that was great to hear. Hard work does pay off!!

But, other than that we had our Zone Council this week. It was awesome! Presidente and Hermana Westover taught us a little about how we need to start having a "mission culture" of charity. A mission culture is the kinds of traditions that a mission has and the kinds of things that the older missionaries have learned from other missionaries that have already left, and are now teaching to the younger missionaries. An example might be something called "milking" and alfahor. Milking an alfahor is when you bite an alfahor on both sides then drink milk through it. It's just a stupid thing that Trainers teach their new companions to do, and it's a part of the Mission Culture. But Mission Culture also has to do with how the missionaries act and the examples that they set. So we learned about how we can be have more charity and be more Christlike and how it will help us feel better about ourselves and how it will help lift the mission as a whole. If we have more charity with ourselves, we will show more charity with our companions, then with the other missionaries, then with the members, then with the people that we meet and teach. So its something that we are going to be working a bit harder on to be better. But we also talked about Pride and Humility and how we can repent to be more humble and close to the Lord. It was a great time and I learned a lot. I also got to see Elder Robinson and share a few memories and a few good laughs. Love that guy. 

I also went on Divisions with Elder Urmston in his area. It was great. He is a really good missionary and a great guy. We spent the entire day walking looking for people to teach, and at the same time laughing the entire time. And at the end of the day we went and played Futbol with Elder Smith and Elder Allen at the church along with a few less active kids and some investigadores. It was fun. Oh but let me explain. This week the Leaders of the mission, so all the Hermana Capacadoras and the Zone Leaders go together with Presidente and the Assistants and had a council like they do every month. But this time, they announced that we can now play Futbol!! So we got into that right away!! It was pretty fun, and we even played a game with Yankees verses Argentinos, with one of our players being Junior, a less active kid that was actually born in the US! He is super cool, but we are just trying to help him get active again, and start coming to church, or as Argentines would say it, "ponerle las pilas."

Also, a bit of really great news with Juan! He is working still and doing a great job!! His boss loves him because he is always working really hard and going above and beyond. But also! Yesterday he received the Aaronic Priesthood!! He is now a Priest! He was super happy, and after a week of patiently waiting, we gave him a Suit that Elder Conde and Pacheco found for him! So he was looking really good and Priest-ly hahaha. He even brought one of his brothers to church with him, Daniel, and he loved it too!! He wasn't even shy with the other primary kids, so we are going to try to start teaching him this week too!!

Also, when we had our Interviews with Presidente and Hermana Westover, she gave me a bit of advice with my studies. I told her that I had just finished reading the Book of Mormon and about my goal to finish the Doctrine and Covenants and Jesus the Christ before I went home. She very nicely destroyed my plans, but counseled my to reread the Book of Mormon, even if its for only 20 minutes a day, and then to set a goal, but not one that ends when I go home because I need to have a goal that will help me read and study and keep with the feasting upon the word once I get back home. And with Presidente, he told me that I'm getting to the end of my mission, and that in track and field terms, I'm in the last 30 meters of the race. We agreed that the fastest 30 meters of the race are at the end, and he asked me to work hard to make it the same with my mission, that I need to SPRINT to the end, even if I can help but fall down and nearly pass out by the end of the race. I kinda already knew that, but Presidente always helps me have more energy and enthusiasm. I love them both and all that they do for me and the other missionaries in La Gran Mision Argentina Santa Fe.

I just want to leave with you my testimony of prayer. I know that God loves each and everyone of us personally and perfectly. I know that as we pray, we will feel of His love and presence. I invite all of you to have a real conversation the next time you pray. To really TALK with God. And I invite you to do so, and share these things with you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 

Until next week!!

Elder Haley

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