Tuesday, April 10, 2018

This week was filled with the good stuff

Not too bad of a week. But, not the best either. We had a bunch of success at first, but then the week kind of died down again. But yeah, so this is how it went.  Elder Robinson is a boss.  I love this guy, we are getting along great and are working great together. 

Wednesday morning we planned a whole bunch of stuff. So we had back up plans for our back up plans. But in the morning, we went to one of the rougher parts of town, the neighborhood that we didn’t do too much working in during my first two transfers here. But we had a really good lesson with a girl named Sofia. We taught her the Restoration and scheduled her for the 28th. So that was really good. Then we also found a few more good people that we could end up teaching. Lunch was at HNA Palota´s home and we had this really, really good Ravioli stuff. Plus it was just cool. I love her family so much. We had our first District Meeting this week too and Elder Robinson was really good as the new District Leader, especially for it being his first DM as a DL. In the afternoon, we visited a bunch of people and talked with Lucas. We taught him about the Priesthood and also told him that we were going to Fast with him this last Sunday. He was really happy about that. We fasted with him because right now, he only has work on the Weekends. But it’s a job that he really loves. You would never guess what it is though. He is the guy at car races that waves the flags to signal what lap they are on. But we ended fasting with him and he is doing really good and ready to look for other work. We actually ended up teaching 4 lessons that day, which is really, really good, especially for our first real day of working together. 

For Thursday, we made all of these plans again, but all of them didn’t work out. But that’s okay. It made for a bunch of contacting, which didn’t work out too well, but that’s alright! What we did do was we had Family Home Evening with a family from the Branch. I was really looking forward to it because it was the first Noche Hogar (Family Home Evening) that we were invited to. Plus, Elder Robinson has a really cool diagram thing of the Plan of Salvation that was going to be really cool. Sadly, it was a pretty hectic hour or so. The kids were a little crazy and lets just say, we weren’t feeling the Spirit too well. But like Grandpa Haley always says, we learn the most from our losses. Or in other words, we can be grateful for our bad lessons and days because we have more opportunities to learn and change for the better. 

For Friday, it was basically the same thing. We planned a bunch and had a bunch of people that we wanted to visit, but none of them were home, or they couldn’t talk right then. But that’s alright. We found a few people that we are going to try to visit this week and hopefully get them all to church. But other than that, we didn’t have anything happen. We walked for a really long time in a few different areas. One really cool experience was when we sat down to break for a little bit, Elder Robinson read Alma 26:27: “Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: “Go amongst thy brethren, the Lamanites, and bear with patience thine afflictions, and I will give unto you success.So that was awesome because it applied to us way too well, but after that, we were kind of pumped up. So we went and found a really cool kid that we want to visit more. And ended the night without lessons and tired feet, but also with light, happy hearts. 

Saturday was a pretty long, but awesome day. In the morning, all of our cita’s feel through again, but that’s okay. But in the afternoon, we had a lesson with a really awesome lady named Soledad. She is the most amazing and sweet lady. She loves to sing and writes her songs. She lives alone and so we had to bring a member. Hermano Fernandez was more than willing to come and he rocked the lesson. He basically taught the whole thing, which was good because his Spanish is a lot better than ours. He missed a few things that we covered really quickly. But it was one of the best lessons. Then we had to walk quite a ways to get to the terminal. But when we got there, the place to charge our TEP card, or the bus system card, was closed. We were lucky though, the bus driver was nice enough to give us a ride for free, and he wouldn’t accept a single peso for it. So we took the collectivo to a lady for the Hermanas (Sister missionaries) because one was sick and they weren’t going to be able to make the appointment. We got there and invited her to church and left because she couldn’t talk at the time. So we had a long walk back to the pench. and when I say long, I mean, loooooong. We walked for a good hour and half or so. But I was happy. Oh, and I forgot to mention, it was raining all day Saturday. I loved it. We got back to the pench really tired, but I was actually pretty happy. I felt blessed and I recognized a few tender mercies from the day that made me pretty happy. 

On Sunday, the only investigator that made it to church was Soledad. She loved it. And the only other thing that we did that day was visit her really quickly. She is a really amazing lady. I can’t wait for next P-day because we are planning to get a video of her singing. She is also going to feed us Noquis tomorrow night, and I love Noquis. 

So yeah.  We ate good food this week.  Empanadas.  Yum.  Also, tacos with the Zone Leaders.  The new Zone Leader is Elder Pena and he is from Mexico. There are some really weird and crazy murals around the city also.

Really quickly, one of the Spiritual thoughts of the week, was a talk by John C. Pingree Jr from April 2017 called, I Have a Work for Thee. I really liked it and applied a lot of it to my work as a missionary, but thought it would benefit everyone back home too. Please read it.

Thank you for all the prayers and everything. I love you. 

Con Amor,
Elder Haley

I LOVE empanadas

Noche hogar con una familia en la rama

A cool flower 

They have weird murals all over the place here. I swear they guys who did this one were high out of their minds. 

meal with the Zone Leaders & Elder Robinson. Elder Duval and Elder Pena is from Mexico

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