Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Mother's Day & Crazy Week!

Well, well, well, weeeeeell, well, well. It sure has been a week. It was a very busy and crazy week, but one of the best in the mission by far.

 Alright, so first thing in the morning on Tuesday, we had some really awesome plans to go out and see a bunch of people and really get going on finding new investigadores, but it kind of all went down the drain when we got a call form the Mission´s Secretario saying that we had to go to Santa Fe that night so Elder Robinson could do some tramites work in Rosario the next morning. So Tuesday kind of went to trash because we had to go the terminal in the morning to get tickets for the bus and then in the afternoon, leave at 7 for Santa Fe. But it just proves that when you plan act in faith, you never know what is going to happen. But, the day ended up being alright. When we got to Santa Fe, I got to talk one of the Elders from my MTC group and also meet and get to know other Elders too. So it ended up being a good day, just in a different way than we thought.

Wednesday in the morning, we just went with one of the Office Elders to the office and while our comps were gone in Rosario, we just studied and did things in the Office. So it was a pretty tranquilo morning, but still good. For lunch we got to eat at a pretty nice and fancy restaurant with all the Office Elders. It was good stuff. Then after the two hour bus ride back to Rafaela, we went out and had a few lessons and looked for a few other people. We went by to see Hermana Soledad because we had to have daily contact with her before her Baptism! But yeah, other than that, not much for Wednesday. 

Thursday in the morning, because last week was the end of the Transfers, we did our Limpieza of the Pench. So we were cleaning all morning to make the pench look nice and start the new transfer on a good note. But then in the afternoon, I had to go to a town called San Cristobal with Elder Peña, one of the Lideras de Zona. Elder Peña had to go because he had to do an entrevista  bautismal. I had to go with him because Elder Peña´s companion, Elder Duval, had to do some other things in Rafaela. But it was good. We got to San Cristobal and I went on another Division with the District Leader there, Elder Gómez. He is really cool and is in the same group as Elder Robinson, so we are both really young. But we worked in his area and had a few really good lessons, found a bunch of people for him and his companion, and also prepared a few people for baptism. So yeah, a really good and productive night.

In the morning on Friday, I helped Elder Gómez with the Limpieza for his pench. So yeah, yet again, it was a really tranquilo but not bad morning. Just a lot of time to think and ponder about stuff. And, because Elder Gomez is from Nicaragua, we spoke completely in Spanish, so it was cool to see how good my Spanish has gotten. Then in the afternoon, after the two hour bus ride back home (yes I did a lot of traveling this week) Elder Duval and I went on Divisions so Elder Robinson could do an entrevista bautismal for one of the Zone Leaders investigadors. But we were walking all across town to talk to people and ended up having a really cool time with a new Future Investigator. He is the nephew of our District President, Presidente Horton. We got the reference from him and talked to his nephew for a while. His name is Gonzalo and he is a complete capo (which means cool guy). So yeah. Gonzalo told us that he knows the church is true and that the things we teach are good, but he just doesn’t think he is ready to be baptized. So we just asked him to say a prayer, while kneeling, and to ask God very directly if he should be baptized and when. So a pretty crazy day.

On Saturday, we had to do a lot of prep for the Baptisms that night. In our Capilla (church building), we are having a lot of construction done to paint the walls and make a few changes. So we had to do a lot of cleaning and setting up for the baptisms that night. But it ended up being really good! We got Hermana Soledad there, and the Zone Leaders family was there too. I’ll send some pictures after. Soledad is the older grandma lady, Daniela is the mom, Noel is the older son, and the little guy with the long hair is named Joel. They were all very happy and ready for the baptisms. It was cool because both of the Zone Leaders were able to do one baptism each, Elder Robinson baptized Soledad, and one of the members form Rama Lehmann was able to baptize Noel. The members name is Bruno and he is a complete boss. He is the one on the far left and looks almost like a convert. SO yeah. It was cool how many members were able to make it and support the four people being baptized. 

Sunday was just a wonderful day all around. In the morning, we were able to do the Confirmation of Soledad. She asked me to do it, which made me a little nervous, but it ended up being really cool. I felt the Spirit and I’m positive everyone else that was there was able to feel it too. We also had a bunch of less active members show up for Sacrament too, which always makes me happy to see. We love finding those lost sheep. But, the best part of the day had to of been when we got to CALL OUR FAMILIES! It was so nice to see hear their voices and see their smiling faces, even if mom started crying and made me cry a little bit. But yeah. That’s not what we are talking about here. The rest of the night was really good too. After Elder Robinson and I got our calls finished up, Adrian and Liza, who were more than nice enough to let us use their computer to call our families, bought and fed us some pizza too! So just a really good night all around.

Then yesterday, because it is transfers, we just went out to work. Yeah, so I’m staying here in Rafaela for one more Transfer, which was actually quite the relief to learn about because I don’t really want to leave my converts and awesome members yet. So one more tranfer is going to be great. Especially becasue Elder Robinson and I are going to go out and get some work done!

Thank you all for the prayers and for all the support through emails. It really does mean a lot. And Happy Mothers day!

Hasta proxima semana,

Elder Haley

*mom* addition...
I received this text message from Adrian and Liza the day after Elder Haley called home.  Of course, it made me cry...what an incredible impact missionaries can make on other people....

"Hi!!! I’m sorry, I did not see this message. It Was a pleasure. We are happy to have the chance to help. I really enjoy to spend time with Morley and Dylan, even not being a believer. They have a peace, and they spread it through the words of god and I deeply respect it. Elder Haley is working hard by his beliefs, in spite of being so far of you and your family, and that is so valuable. Congratulations, you have a great son, he is an inspiration. If your family or Morley needs anything, We will be here. Cheers!"

 Mi Amigos!

Hermana Soledad was BAPTIZED! Elder Robinson baptized her and I confirmed her on Sunday.

Lunch in Santa Fe with the Mission Office Elders.  Fancy and delicious!

Rooftop of the pench view of Santa Fe.

San Cristobal with Elder Pena, Elder Gomez and another Elder.  

The trip to San Cristobal. I saw some MILO! I felt like I was back home for a little with all the wide open fields. The only difference between here and home is that here we have trees. 

CALL HOME on Mother's Day!! My screen vs their screen.

Adrian and Liza are pretty neat.  They fed us pizza after Elder Robinson and I called home from their computer. 

Elder Robinson's mom sent these taken in April. 

The Internet Cafe we use to email home!

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